Michael Zirulnik
Project Director

Michael Zirulnik researches, teaches, and consults on organizational effectiveness, negotiation, and intercultural conflict. He is immediate past Chair of the Peace and Conflict Communication Division of the National Communication Association in Washington, D.C. Dr. Zirulnik is serving as Program Manager in the recently launched School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University. His recent book is, The Rightful Place of Science: Creative Nonfiction (2015; co-edited with Gutkind & Guston).
He served in the emergency medical and fire service for seven years, and is founder and former creative director of a design firm based in New Jersey and New York City. For a decade, Dr. Zirulnik worked as an internationally based flight attendant. The aviation sector has been a primary focus of his research. Previously, he worked on labor resolution, and national security initiatives, living, and working in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.